Thursday, August 30, 2012

Choosing The Best Advice

Everyone has advice for you. Think about it. Your neighbor has the best stock tips,your boss has the winning horses for Santa Anita, and the Post Man knows exactly what you should do to get that elusive energy drink sponsor. So who do we listen to? First of all,only take advice from someone who is more successful than you in your given field.You want stock advice,talk to a SUCCESSFUL stock trader or local investment manager.You want advice about a career in Motorsports talk to a SUCCESSFUL person in that specific  field. Fortunately for you thousands of successful racers out there willing to give you advice. All you have to do,is ask... That's right!Try emailing successful drivers in your field of racing and ask them for 10 minutes of their time to answer a few questions. If they say yes,which most will, ask them those questions you've been dying to know, from the source. Those behind the scenes questions you wonder about. Don't be scared,you have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Who knows,you might even get asked a few questions yourself,so be prepared. Being prepared is one of the keys to success! 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

"If I Only Had A Sponsor"

"If I only had a sponsor".Sound familiar? I've heard this many times in conversation over the last couple months.My first question is always,what are you working on in order to get sponsored? Which is always followed by "uuuuuuhh..." Well if all you have is "Uuuuuhhh",all your going to get is "Uuuuhhh".My second question is, what does your proposal contain? "Uuuuhh....I've been busy lately..." Well, so have all your potential sponsors.Looking at proposals from all of your competition. But,that's besides the point. The point is you need a proposal(a good one helps).Besides,if you're too busy for your dreams(the things that turn you on in life),your basically saying your too busy to live the life you want...That doesn't make sense..  Next you'll need to do the one thing everyone dreads and call potential sponsors or even go meet them in person! The difference between a sponsored driver and a dreamer is the sponsored driver took his dream and his plan(or proposal) and deposited it into action.So you have your proposal and you've met with a sponsor and they say no! Is it over,do you quit? What if all 30 sponsors you met with in the last 30 weeks says no?what then?You say next! There are always more companies,even if you called and sent a proposal everyday for the rest of your life you wouldn't be able to submit one to every company! Here's some inspiration, Colonel Harlan Sanders received 300 rejections before he found someone to believe in his dream. He REJECTED rejection 300 times and now there are over 11,000 KFC's in the US alone. This is one example of many who just said "NEXT". There is nothing to lose by asking for money,parts or services,only something to gain. So make a proposal,and make it a priority to CONSISTENTLY call/meet new potential sponsors and ask for what you want. Go! Get out of  here!  

Monday, August 27, 2012

Is Racing More Physical or Mental?

For years this question has been debated and we are going to set the record straight... or at least make the record not as crooked. In Ross Bently's book Ultimate Speed Secrets,he describes how all physical acts of driving start in the brain. So is 100% of being a successful driver mental?.... Not until we can drive our cars with our minds, driving  will always contain some sort of physical activity. Although I agree that the mental aspect of racing such as mental programming, imaging, focus,etc are the most important, how do we get an edge on our competition? Easy,look at the best drivers in the world and use them as a model for our success. I picked people from NASCAR to World Rally Championship to shed some light on this point. Who has won the most races in NASCAR? Jimmy Johnson,and he is no lazy mcdazy. He was featured in  March  2012 Mens Health Magazine Describing his workout regimen. Sebastien Loeb was a successful Gymnast before embarking on his WRC domination. Jenson Button is a Triathlete. Sebastian Loeb commented" F1 drivers are in the greatest physical condition". Looking at just some drivers in the world makes it hard to deny,physical fitness gives you an edge. Scientists have been researching the connection between brain function and exercise for years. There is no doubt that exercise improves memory,faster brain function,even the production of new brain cells. Check this out,a write up by  MK McGovern.  .

The brain is the core of all successful drivers,and exercise makes the brain function with greater speed and efficiency, so its like adding a turbo to your brain. This being true its safe to say exercise will make you a better driver. However,Being in peak physical doesn't make you Michael Schumacher, it will add another piece to the puzzle. Want to start gaining an edge on your competition all the while feeling better about yourself creating more confidence than you already have(if that's possible you cocky race car driver)? Start by simply getting your heart rate up to a point were you take deep breaths for at least 15 minutes a day(30 min preferred). Remember its not about how hard you work out, it's really about consistency.So don't get all gung ho for two days and get burnt out. Just do something every day for at least 15-30 min. Got questions or comments? Let them rip,here or on my facebok page .

Friday, August 24, 2012

Holy crap its been too long since my last post! Apologies... We've been crazy busy around here,did North Nevada Rally July 6th and 7th snatching 1st place in Class!Than it was off Mendocino Rally August 4th where we snatched another podium getting 3rd in Class. To see the press releases go here . We have great news,Mackin Industries and Peirce Motorsports has joined Triple Seven Racing in these early stages of our career! Check them out and . Also,I just submitted my video to The Octane Academy, so if you have a minute after checking out all the previous links,check this out .
